Courses and toolkits
Arpan online courses
Lessons and tools for teachers, parents and students on understanding and preventing child sexual abuse
The trauma recovery toolkit
A guidebook and flashcard set to empower individuals living with the effects of trauma
Meditation the cure
A tool to reverse suffering for those suffering with chronic conditions; by Curedemy
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Passed in 2012, POCSO stands for Protection of Children Against Sexual Offenses. It is a landmark legislation for child protection.
POCSO puts the burden of proof on the accused, not the child. It is gender neutral and covers a spectrum of criminal sexual offenses. Power dynamics in relationships are also considered.
Penetrative sexual assault, inappropriate touching, exhibitionism and showing of pornographic content come under the Act’s purview.
POCSO enables child-friendly medical examinations, special district courts, separation from the accused, emergency medical care, care and protection, and compensation.